A Collector's Guide
to Soviet Military and Civilian Uniform Visor Caps
of the Cold War Period: 1946-1991
WELCOME to the largest collection of Soviet uniform caps on the World Wide Web!
Before introducing the contents of this site (which you will see as you scroll down this page); allow me to announce my five accompanying print books which expand on the topics covered on my website; including a new one for November 2024 (listed fourth in order below).
In addition, if you go to my For Sale - Caps
For Sale - Militaria
For Sale - Badges, Medals, Insignia pages, you will see I have recently added a large number of caps (including some quite rare ones), uniforms (on my militaria page) and insignia items which may also be of interest.
50 Years Under the Red Star: The Definitive Guide to Soviet Soldier, Sailor and Airman Caps from
1941 to 1991
This is the "flagship" of my publications. With 372-pages in full color, this large paperback 8 1/2 x 11 book illustrates, describes and provides the history of EVERY model and style of furazhka and beskozirka worn by conscripts, extended servicemen and officers over during this time period; as well as every version of cap cockade and emblem worn on those caps.
To this end, the book contains over 800 photographs, scans and illustrations. I am confident you will find it the
on these types of cap, unmatched by any other source of reference, in any language. The price is $110 with free postage in the US via media mail if you pay with check or MO. Paypal fees and taxes have gone through the roof so if you need to use it, I must ask for an additional $4 to the total cost. Overseas buyers please ask me for a postage quote.
Uniform Caps of Soviet Security and Guard Services - the Definitive Guide to NKVD/MVD, KGB, Border Guard, Courts, Militia, VOKhR and Forestry Visor Caps of the Post-War Period
This book describes and provides the history of EVERY known model and style of furazhka worn by members of the stated organizations; from conscript/rank and file through general/highest staff. It also illustrates and explains all cockades, emblems and accessories worn on these caps and orients the reader as to each organization's place and role in Soviet society.
As with my previous books, I am confident you will find this volume to be the most comprehensive book available on caps worn by these security and guard organizations, unmatched by any other source of reference in any language.
I have elected to offer this book in 8 x 10 inch paperback format to keep prices, both in printing and postage, to an absolute minimum; in order to reach collectors and uniform enthusiasts worldwide.
It is nevertheless printed in striking full color on heavy, gloss-finished paper, with 189 pages and over 350 photographs and illustrations. Price is $70 with free postage to addresses within the US. Paypal users need to add $3.50 to the total.
Uniform Caps of Soviet Ministerial Organizations Volume I - The definitive guide to Railways, Mining, Motor Transport, Electric Transport and Communications/Postal caps of the Soviet era
The purpose of this book is to illustrate and describe the development of the headgear portion of these uniforms, specifically the visor caps (“furazhki” in Russian parlance). On its 196 pages containing 360 illustrations and photographs, you will find the first comprehensive study of these caps published in any language. Included are the historical development, purposes, identification features and known variants of every visor cap worn by members of these ministries, from the highest to the lowest level staff, from 1917 through 1991. Intended as part of a two-volume set, this volume will cover the caps worn by Railways, Mining, Motor and Electric Transport, and Communications/Postal organizations.
It is printed in 8 x 10" format, in striking full color on heavy, gloss-finished paper, with 189 pages and over 350 photographs and illustrations.
Price is $70 with free postage to addresses within the US. Paypal users need to add $3.50 to the total.
"NEW" Uniform Caps of Soviet Ministerial Organizations Volume II - The definitive guide to of the Procuracy, the commissariates/ministries of Customs, Foreign Affairs, Finance, State Control, Procurements, and Power, and of Fire Protection and other uniformed agencies of the Soviet era.
It is printed in 8 x 10" format, in striking full color on heavy, gloss-finished paper, with 140 pages and over 240 photographs and illustrations.
Price is $50 with free postage to addresses within the US. Paypal users need to add $2.50 to the total.
Uniform Visor Cap Markings of the USSR: A Compendium of Manufacturers' Labels and Interior Stamps
With 142 pages in full color, this high quality, 7x10 inch paperback
documents the different manufacturer’ labels and interior markings used by Soviet industry and military organizations on military and civilian uniform visor caps of the Cold War period (1945-1991).
All such markings are illustrated, Russian/Ukrainian text and abbreviations are explained and a full English translation of each provided. Histories of the primary headdress manufacturers, along with known dates of use for each manufacturers label/stamp variant are provided; and all common unit, personal and inspection/inventory marks are illustrated and explained.
The data and illustrations provided in this book will also serve as a primary means of determining cap authenticity, enabling the reader to more readily detect fakes and reproductions.
As some of you will recognize, this is the third (and final) version of similar books I have published on markings. However, while those earlier versions were intended primarily to be
working documents for collectors; this final edition is intended to be a more refined product--with a larger format, better print quality and photo resolution along with an expanded range of entries.
I have kept the price of this improved edition as low as possible to encourage owners of previous copies to "upgrade" to this new edition. Book purchase price is $44.50 (U.S.) or its equivalent; with free postage within the U.S. Overseas buyers please ask me for a postage quote. Use of paypal will add $3.50 to the price.
Please go to my Book Sales page for additional information on these books, representative sample pages and how to purchase copies.
Introduction to the Site
Okay, enough with me trying to sell you stuff!! On this site you can sample the martial glory of the Soviet uniform visor cap (pronounced "Furazhka" in Russian) from the beginning of the Cold War Era to the dissolution of the USSR in 1991. Although little recognized in the West, Soviet military and militarized uniforms during this period were extremely varied and colorful. Although many countries had rather ornate military uniforms prior to WWII, most lost little time after the War in abandoning their "old-fashioned" uniform styles in the interest of economy, camouflage, or anti-militarism. The USSR, however, resisted this simplification of its uniforms, in spite of the heavy drain the large number of uniform variations and style changes imposed on the Soviet clothing industry.
The reason was simple. The 1943 uniform regulations, which restored a distinctly "Tsarist" look to the Red Army, were extremely popular and successful in terms of restoring morale to the armed forces. Soldiers took pride in their appearance and gloried in the trappings of past accomplishments.
Nevertheless, uniform development was not stagnant, and refinements continued after WWII. New military uniform regulations built on those of 1943, combining heavy elements of Imperial Russian uniform tradition with symbols of the Red Army. The resulting array of uniforms enabled even the lowest conscript to impress his girl friend on de-mob day with his sartorial heroism, while, at the other end, a Marshal could outshine a peacock in his spectacular parade uniform.
While military uniforms form the opening core of those I discuss on this site; as you can see from the "table of contents" along the left-hand side of these pages, I also devote many pages to the uniformed, non-military agencies found within the former USSR.
As previous visitors to my site may have noticed, I am in the process of changing the format by which I list and discuss the uniform caps shown here. I have left this site's military pages essentially the same; even though I must admit I do not show every variant a collector may run across. For a comprehensive study of those caps, I recommend
you obtain a copy of my omnibus book: "50 Years Under the Red Star..." If you cannot find a particular military cap listed on those pages, it does NOT exist (except perhaps as a prototype).
Likewise, my book titled "Uniform Caps of Soviet Security and Guard Services" provides the ONLY comprehensive listing/discussion of Soviet Border Guard/KGB/MVD/NKVD/Militia/Forestry/VOKhR and Courts caps. Consequently, the corresponding pages on this site will - like the military pages - not be updated.
However, outside of those agencies covered in my "Security and Guard Services..." book, there is no print book that fully explains the development of most non-military visor caps. I have thus taken upon myself the task of documenting those to the best of my ability on this site's pages. Under the new format I mentioned, I will redo each of the sections devoted to those agencies in order to cover their caps' development to the same extent as I covered military caps in my "50 Years Under the Red Star" book.
This process will take many months (or even a few years) so I ask readers to be patient. I will do this agency by agency and intend to start with Railways caps/uniforms. I wish I could have done other print books to cover these civilian agencies but it does not appear that enough interest exists to break even with the cost of printing such.
For those of you relatively new to the Soviet uniform collecting scene, I would recommend you peruse a little background information I've put together on the development of uniforms over this period. This will make my individual cap descriptions more meaningful. Select "Uniform Periods" from the action buttons at the top of the red bar to the left for this information or go directly to the "Cap Museum" category you wish to view.
You will also find sections to the left on "Visor Caps Dissected" which will identify the parts of a cap to which I make reference, tips on properly displaying your caps and a page on "Fakes and Replicas" for those of you who tend to be too trusting of your fellow man.
At the end of each cap description, I have provided my assessment as to the general availability of similar caps. This represents how often caps show up at shows or are offered for sale on-line or in advertisements. It does not directly relate to value! Some rare items garner low prices due to low demand (for now!).
Common: readily available at most large militaria shows or easily found for sale on the Internet or in "surplus" stores.
Available: harder to find but usually available if you know where to look and are patient.
Scarce: occasionally seen or offered, but quite difficult to find.
Rare: seldom seen even in collections or museums in the Former USSR.
Very Rare: typically only seen in specialist museums; not one-of-a-kind, but virtually so.
The Task
The task of documenting even one element of this Soviet uniform tradition (visor caps, for those of you who got lost in my ramblings) is somewhat daunting. The many variations reflecting changing uniform styles, different branches and arms of service, seasonal changes, differences in rank, and special unit distinctions; not to mention the array of non-military uniforms instituted for everyone from police to diplomats; total well into the hundreds. However, I have and continue to collect a good representative sampling of these caps (312 at last count!), which, I hope, will do the entire range justice.
This site is dedicated to the soldiers and officers of the former Soviet armed forces. Although the ideology of its leaders was hopelessly flawed, the Soviet military was, by and large, an honorable extension of a proud people (or melting pot of peoples). In my numerous discussions with Soviet officers, I found them without exception to be morally the equivalent of Western officers and to be individuals I would be proud to have as friends, had our situations allowed it. "He has no greater love than he who would lay down his life for another" embodies the ideals of the soldier. Members of the Soviet Army and Navy held to this no less than soldiers in the West.
Help Me, Help You
Anyone detecting errors or in possession of additional information on any of these caps or in my descriptions is asked to
e-mail me so that I may correct/enhance those areas.
My site deliberately focuses on caps in my collection. However, there are still a number of cap types out there I do not personally own - which I would happily add to my site with your permission. These will of course be credited to the owner if desired. On a few occasions I've also included pictures posted elsewhere on the web (especially from Russian collector websites); should you own and object to the use of those photos, please let me know and I will remove them from my site.
And of course - if you have any authentic Soviet caps you want to sell - E-MAIL ME! - at randallstewart@comcast.net and we can dicker over the dirty details of money or trade. Or if you should you have any questions about Soviet caps/uniforms or any aspect of the hobby, I am always happy to help.
If you have written me at this address and did not get a response, please resend to my wife at:wandalstewart@me.com. Apparently some overseas' email servers don't "like" my comcast.net server!
Well, let's see if the results match the promises, shall we? Please make your selections from the links on the red bar to the left.
From left to right: me as a U.S. Army Threat Forces' trainer in the hatch of a T-62, in my real guise as a Military Intelligence officer in Germany 1985, and more recently at an Arms Show in Moscow.